Milling is a very important part of our business. We have the ability to re shape wood to fit any clients desires. Whether it be re-sawing an old beam or making slabs from a tree that fell in your very own back yard we can mill it all. We decide on the best mill for the job, a short description of what the client would yield from the material, and lastly start making some saw dust.
Step 1
Contact Information
Name, email, phone number, and photos. Short description of the end use and any other minor details. Firewood Farms offers both on and off site milling service. If we are required to bring our machines to you other logistics will come into play such as what the access is like, if extra heavy machinery is involved and location.
Step 2
The Best Mill For the Job
We offer 2 different style of Milling services. The first offering is an Alaskan Mill – the Alaskan can cut up to 86″ in diameter. This style is best used to make slabs, it’s powered by chainsaw, and is operated by two people. The second style is the LT70 HD wood-mizer. Our wood-mizer is a mill made to cut at a high production rate with cutting edge technology.
Step 3
About the wood material
We will need to know more about the material we will be working with: What type of wood is it? What form is the wood in ex: is it in log form or will we be re-sawing existing timber. Will this job take place on or off site? Do you need transportation service or delivery service?
Step 4
We Make Saw Dust
Once we have gathered all the logistics, a deposit will be required to start the process along with a signed milling agreement form. Sit back and watch the sawdust fly!